Project Organization: Work Packages
The PANORAMA project strategy is depicted in the work plan below, the project consists of six work packages that can be broadly categorized as follows:
- One work package (WP1) is related to the specification of requirements and architecture activities in the first phase of the project.
- Four work packages (WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5) will provide the core technology parts of the project. These will involve research, technology and development activities
- One work package (WP6) is concerned with the demonstration activities as an outcome of the 3 applications incl. validation and demonstration of the outcome.
- One work package (WP0) deals with project management, dissemination and exploitation.
WP0 Project management
The Project Management consists two parts: project coordination and supervision and interaction with the PA's and the ENIAC office. WP0 therefore interacts with all the other work packages ensuring a harmonized and consistent approach and alignment among all work packages and their deliverables. All work package leaders are participants in WP0 and the review and progress reports are the WP0 deliverables. Dissemination and Exploitation of the project results are also included and described in WorkPackage 0.
WP1 Requirements & Architecture
This WP will gather the end user requirements for the multiple application domains and extract the generic parts of these applications. Furthermore it will elaborate on the generic requirements and translation to technical requirements and impact on SW/HW architecture.
WP2 Image acquisition
WP2 will focus on the development of image acquisition systems, including the necessary image processing and control methods. An important aspect of this WP will be to optimize various parts of the acquisition systems based on content dependent estimates of current image quality, regions of interest and other contextual information in a control-loop. The real time aspects of the image acquisition and related feedback control system will be taken into account in the implementation of algorithms and the development of imaging sensors and computing platforms (FPGA, GPU, CPU, .).
WP3 Image analysis
The main objective of image analysis in the PANORAMA project consists in extracting relevant content-aware information from multiple 2D (and possibly 3D) images. This information will be used to better control the sensors (feedback towards the WP2 image acquisition task) and also to facilitate the 3D representation and description of the observed scene (WP4, multi-image combination).
WP4 Multi-image combination
This WP builds further on the results from WP2 and WP3 by developing algorithms and implementations to combine multiple acquired images in such a way that they offer a seamless experience to the end user.
WP5 Integration & Demonstration
This WP will use the new technologies that are developed in WP2, WP3 and WP4, integrate them and build demonstrators to show what common technology imaging components can be used for several application domains. Using the common technology demonstrator as a reference, application specific demonstrators will be developed that show the similarity in their respective image generation chains.
WP6 Dissemination and information exchange
To make the project objectives, key technological innovations and project results of PANORAMA visible to the world, a broad range of dissemination channels are needed. Academic and industrial partners will effectively organize these channels. This ensures synchronization in the interested fields of publications, conference presentations, Internet appearance, healthcare events, press releases, workshops and on-site demo installations.